Consulting Service Providers

Information on where our service providers are located, how they provide their services and how to contact them can be found in the "Contact Information" section under each image.

Dr. Richard Csiernik

Dean Anderson

Kelly Brownbill

Brenda Sedgwick

Dean Anderson is an International & Canadian Certified Addiction Counselor CCAC, ICADC from London, ON. He currently wears many hats in the addiction and recovery communities, including being a Private Practice Counselor, MAP Service Provider, Consultant, and NRT Practitioner. His experience includes withdrawal management, residential treatment, peer support, residential trauma, private care, and several volunteering ventures. His dedication to the field is reflected in the multiple committees, programs, and community events, including chairing the Community of Practice for the CACCF.

Rick Csiernik (they/them), BSc, BSW, MSW, PhD, RSW, CCAC is Professor, School of Social Work, King's University College in London, Ontario. Rick has been a social worker for over four decades, having written 10 books, edited nine, including The Essential Guide to Psychoactive Drugs in Canada, Substance Use and Misuse: Everything Matters, and Workplace Wellness. He has contributed to over 250 peer reviewed publications, made nearly as many public presentations and has been part of research teams receiving over $5 million in funding during his career.

Kelly Brownbill's spirit name, Wabunnoongakekwe, means Woman Who Comes from the East and she is proud to be Waabizhashi Dodem, Marten Clan. She is a member of the Flat Bay community of the Mi’kmaq Nation in Newfoundland, and of the Three Fires Midewiwin Lodge.
As an educator on Indigenous issues, she has conducted countless cultural awareness training sessions across a broad range of service sectors including key staff from both the provincial and federal governments. She guides organizations in forging more respectful and equitable relationships with Indigenous communities and agencies.

Dr. Derek Chechak

Derek Chechak is the Director of Quality Improvement and Crisis Services with St. Leonard’s Community Services in Brantford, Ontario. A Registered Social Worker since 2008, he began his career overseeing congregate care settings licensed under the Homes for Special Care Act, before working on an assertive community treatment team and forensic mental health outreach team. Most recently, he was the Social Work Practice Lead for a regional employee assistance program provider, and an implementation specialist, evaluator, and project manager with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).

Dr. Michael Hryniuk

Michael Hryniuk, PhD, RP is an author, educator, consultant, spiritual director and registered psychotherapist. He received his training as a psycho-spiritual therapist from the Toronto Centre for Pastoral Counselling Education. Michael's practice is grounded in over thirty years of advanced research & teaching in theology, spirituality, pastoral psychology, and the ministry of spiritual direction. He brings a spiritually integrated approach to counselling and therapy that incorporates the cognitive, emotional, somatic and sacred dimension of the human person.

Steve Didham

Steve is a Registered Social Worker with 22 years of clinical experience in various sectors, including child welfare, custody/access, mental health, addictions, and academia, among others. He is the owner and principal consultant at Phoenix Consulting and Counselling, an OACAS equity facilitator and Supervisor at the Children’s Aid Society of London and Middlesex. He is also a part-time Lecturer at Kings University College. He has worked in the equity field for several years, providing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training for the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies and other social service sectors, including academia, non-profit organizations and others.

I am Brenda Sedgwick. I hold a Masters in Sociology with extensive experiential training in counselling psychology and human diversity. I am registered to practice psychotherapy in Ontario (CRPO 006115). I am additionally licensed as a certified addictions counsellor, certified telehealth counsellor, and certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I provide private counselling and through Employee Assistance Programs and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). For organizations interested in growth, I am additionally qualified as a Registered Professional Planner and performing clinical evaluative sciences. Currently, I am studying neuroscience.